Trakopolis ELD App is an industry leading electronic logbook & DVIR app developed by truckers for truckers.
Drive from Alaska to Florida without worrying about rule sets or cycles again. Automating your logbooks & Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports makes managing your Hours of Service a breeze. Lose the ruler, stop stressing about compliance & focus on driving again!
• Simple intuitive driver interface resembles familiar paper logbook
• Push of a button records changes in driver status
• Eliminate guess work and view driver hours remaining instantly, no manual calculations here!
• Drivers auto prompted when rule set/cycle changes occur based on GPS location
• Custom Driver Vehicle Inspection Report forms submitted instantly
• AOBRD & Compliant in the US & Canada
• Automatically updated driver duty status using engine data
• Driver and vehicle violations or deficiency notifications sent to you in real time
• Self-Audit tool eliminates admin work – Receive daily or weekly scheduled logbook and maintenance reports and be instantly notified when violations occur.
PLEASE NOTE: This app requires an existing Trakopolis vehicle tracking account. Not sure or have questions? Please visit our website at or call us at +1 403 450 7854 and discover what Trakopolis can do for you!
Our developers, with over 25 years of trucking experience, came together with a simple vision to perfect the driver experience by making driver logbooks and vehicle inspection reports simple, time efficient and safe. These industry pioneers have been developing this application since the early 2000’s and are not only experts in the FMCSA ELD Final Rule but are also referenced several times within the ELD publication itself! If you are looking for the industry leading ELD experts, you’re in the right place! Please visit our website at for more information!
Old habits are hard to break, and change can be difficult. Not to worry! We’ve worked hard to provide you with the familiar form and function of the paper logbook in an electronic format. You’ll instantly recognize the standard log grid, remarks and recap entries and entering changes of duty status is as easy as using a calculator. At the end of the day, all you do is sign the log sheet. It’s that simple!
Forgot to log some time? Did your duty status change unexpectedly? No problem, you can always go back and edit any unsigned log entries before you submit them.
All rules are calculated for you. Your available driving hours are always displayed, so you know exactly how much time you’ve got left in the day, without ever having to do any calculations yourself. Just log your time and let us do the rest.
If your road takes you into different jurisdictions, such as the United States or north of the 60th Parallel, you don’t have to worry about how many hours you’ll have left under the new rules. With a single click, our intuitive logbook can forecast your available driving time in a new jurisdiction – instantly.
Rule sets for over-the-road, local P&D, oilfield, pipeline, forestry, construction, utilities, towing, agriculture, passenger bus and other custom and industry rule sets.
Easily obtained from our online dashboard. Sort individual driver records by location or supervisor. View a driver’s current status as seen in the truck or from historical records. This makes it easy to instantly recognize who needs to be rested and who may be worked.
Trakopolis ELD App adalah industri terkemuka buku catatan elektronik & aplikasi Dvir dikembangkan oleh sopir truk untuk pengemudi truk.
Berkendara dari Alaska ke Florida tanpa khawatir tentang set aturan atau siklus lagi. Mengotomatisasi logbook Anda & Pengemudi Kendaraan Pemeriksaan Laporan membuat mengelola Jam Layanan Anda mudah. Kehilangan penguasa, berhenti menekankan tentang kepatuhan & fokus pada mengemudi lagi!
• Simple driver interface yang intuitif menyerupai buku catatan kertas familiar
• Push tombol mencatat perubahan status driver
• Hilangkan pekerjaan menebak dan jam lihat sopir yang tersisa langsung, tidak ada perhitungan manual di sini!
• Driver auto diminta ketika aturan perubahan set / siklus terjadi berdasarkan lokasi GPS
• bentuk Kustom Pengemudi Kendaraan Laporan Pemeriksaan disampaikan langsung
• AOBRD & Compliant di AS & Kanada
• perbarui status tugas sopir otomatis menggunakan data mesin
• Driver and kendaraan pelanggaran atau pemberitahuan kekurangan dikirim kepada Anda secara real time
• alat Self-Audit menghilangkan pekerjaan admin - Menerima harian atau mingguan yang dijadwalkan buku catatan dan pemeliharaan laporan dan akan langsung diberitahu bila terjadi pelanggaran.
PERHATIKAN: Aplikasi ini membutuhkan ada Trakopolis akun pelacakan kendaraan. Tidak yakin atau memiliki pertanyaan? Silahkan kunjungi website kami di atau hubungi kami di +1 403 450 7854 dan menemukan apa yang dapat Trakopolis lakukan untuk Anda!
pengembang kami, dengan lebih dari 25 tahun pengalaman truk, datang bersama-sama dengan visi sederhana untuk menyempurnakan sopir pengalaman dengan membuat pengemudi logbooks dan laporan pemeriksaan kendaraan sederhana, efisien waktu dan aman. pelopor industri ini telah mengembangkan aplikasi ini sejak awal tahun 2000 dan tidak hanya ahli dalam FMCSA ELD Peraturan Final tetapi juga direferensikan beberapa kali dalam publikasi ELD sendiri! Jika Anda mencari untuk industri terkemuka ahli ELD, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat! Silahkan kunjungi website kami di untuk informasi lebih lanjut!
kebiasaan lama sulit untuk istirahat, dan perubahan bisa sulit. Tidak perlu khawatir! Kami telah bekerja keras untuk menyediakan Anda dengan bentuk akrab dan fungsi dari buku catatan kertas dalam format elektronik. Anda akan langsung mengenali standar log grid, komentar dan masukan rekap dan memasukkan perubahan status tugas semudah menggunakan kalkulator. Pada akhir hari, semua yang Anda lakukan adalah menandatangani lembar log. Ini sederhana itu!
Lupa log beberapa waktu? Apakah Status tugas Anda berubah tiba-tiba? Tidak masalah, Anda selalu dapat kembali dan mengubah setiap entri log unsigned sebelum Anda menyerahkan mereka.
Semua aturan dihitung untuk Anda. jam mengemudi tersedia Anda selalu ditampilkan, sehingga Anda tahu persis berapa banyak waktu yang Anda punya tersisa di hari, tanpa harus melakukan perhitungan sendiri. Hanya log waktu Anda dan biarkan kami melakukan sisanya.
Jika jalan Anda akan membawa Anda ke yurisdiksi yang berbeda, seperti Amerika Serikat atau utara dari Parallel 60, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang berapa jam Anda akan meninggalkan di bawah aturan baru. Dengan satu klik, logbook intuitif kita dapat meramalkan waktu mengemudi yang tersedia di wilayah hukum baru - langsung.
Aturan set untuk over-the-road, P lokal & D, ladang minyak, pipa, kehutanan, konstruksi, utilitas, penarik, pertanian, bus penumpang dan adat dan aturan industri lainnya set.
Mudah diperoleh dari dashboard online kami. Urutkan catatan sopir individu dengan lokasi atau supervisor. Melihat status pengemudi saat seperti yang terlihat dalam truk atau dari catatan sejarah. Hal ini membuat mudah untuk langsung mengenali siapa perlu beristirahat dan yang mungkin bekerja.
Trakopolis ELD App is an industry leading electronic logbook & DVIR app developed by truckers for truckers.
Drive from Alaska to Florida without worrying about rule sets or cycles again. Automating your logbooks & Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports makes managing your Hours of Service a breeze. Lose the ruler, stop stressing about compliance & focus on driving again!
• Simple intuitive driver interface resembles familiar paper logbook
• Push of a button records changes in driver status
• Eliminate guess work and view driver hours remaining instantly, no manual calculations here!
• Drivers auto prompted when rule set/cycle changes occur based on GPS location
• Custom Driver Vehicle Inspection Report forms submitted instantly
• AOBRD & Compliant in the US & Canada
• Automatically updated driver duty status using engine data
• Driver and vehicle violations or deficiency notifications sent to you in real time
• Self-Audit tool eliminates admin work – Receive daily or weekly scheduled logbook and maintenance reports and be instantly notified when violations occur.
PLEASE NOTE: This app requires an existing Trakopolis vehicle tracking account. Not sure or have questions? Please visit our website at or call us at +1 403 450 7854 and discover what Trakopolis can do for you!
Our developers, with over 25 years of trucking experience, came together with a simple vision to perfect the driver experience by making driver logbooks and vehicle inspection reports simple, time efficient and safe. These industry pioneers have been developing this application since the early 2000’s and are not only experts in the FMCSA ELD Final Rule but are also referenced several times within the ELD publication itself! If you are looking for the industry leading ELD experts, you’re in the right place! Please visit our website at for more information!
Old habits are hard to break, and change can be difficult. Not to worry! We’ve worked hard to provide you with the familiar form and function of the paper logbook in an electronic format. You’ll instantly recognize the standard log grid, remarks and recap entries and entering changes of duty status is as easy as using a calculator. At the end of the day, all you do is sign the log sheet. It’s that simple!
Forgot to log some time? Did your duty status change unexpectedly? No problem, you can always go back and edit any unsigned log entries before you submit them.
All rules are calculated for you. Your available driving hours are always displayed, so you know exactly how much time you’ve got left in the day, without ever having to do any calculations yourself. Just log your time and let us do the rest.
If your road takes you into different jurisdictions, such as the United States or north of the 60th Parallel, you don’t have to worry about how many hours you’ll have left under the new rules. With a single click, our intuitive logbook can forecast your available driving time in a new jurisdiction – instantly.
Rule sets for over-the-road, local P&D, oilfield, pipeline, forestry, construction, utilities, towing, agriculture, passenger bus and other custom and industry rule sets.
Easily obtained from our online dashboard. Sort individual driver records by location or supervisor. View a driver’s current status as seen in the truck or from historical records. This makes it easy to instantly recognize who needs to be rested and who may be worked.